Paid Online Focus Group on SODA ($100) Paid Online Focus Group on SODA ($100)

Study Link: Nationwide - A research firm searching for people for an Paid Online Focus Group on SODA ...

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Paid Online Focus Group on Fast Food ($125) Paid Online Focus Group on Fast Food ($125)

Study Link: Nationwide - A research firm searching for people for an upcoming Paid Online Focus Group on Fast F...

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Paid Online Focus Group on Renting Place ($150) Paid Online Focus Group on Renting Place ($150)

Study Link: Nationwide - A research firm searching for people for an upcoming Paid Online Focus Group on Think...

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Paid Online Focus Group on Usability (Testing Website) ($55/hr) Paid Online Focus Group on Usability (Testing Website) ($55/hr)

Study Link: Nationwide - A research firm searching for people for an upcoming Paid Online Focus Group on Usabi...

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Paid Online Focus Group on Commercial-free Streaming (100) Paid Online Focus Group on Commercial-free Streaming (100)

Study Link: With Silverscreen users have unlimited instant streaming and can do so on any device! They will be...

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